COVID-19 Drugs: Discovery, Mechanism of Action, and Synthesis

Presented by Dr. Jie Jack Li, Vice President of Discovery Chemistry at ChemPartner

COVID-19, an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, is now wreaking havoc in the US and around the world. Meanwhile, scientists are also making strides against the invisible enemy. Most notable are the recent success of remdesivir and demethasone.

This webinar, given from a chemist’s perspective, covers the discovery, mechanism of action, and synthesis of remdesivir and demethasone. It is most relevant to medicinal and process chemists. But anyone interested in drug discovery will find it highly informational as well.

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Assay Platforms for PROTAC in Drug Discovery and Beyond

Assay Platforms for PROTAC in Drug Discovery and Beyond

Presented by Yuzhou Xu, Senior Director of Biology and Pharmacology at ChemPartner. Abstract: Discover a groundbreaking webinar delving into the in vitro assays for proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC). PROTACs are being developed more and more for many kinds of...

EEG Analysis and Animal Behavior in CNS Drug Development

EEG Analysis and Animal Behavior in CNS Drug Development

Presented by Ruiben Feng, PhD, Executive Director, Neurobiology and Neuropharmacology at Shanghai ChemPartner. Abstract: EEG analysis (Electroencephalography) is becoming a promising translatable biomarker for predicting the likelihood that novel therapies and...


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